Repotting Fiddle Leaf Figs – How To Repot A Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant?

A photo of a Fiddle Leaf Fig plant inside a house.

How Do You Repot Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants?

Fiddle leaf fig plants (Ficus lyrata) are popular houseplants known for their large, glossy leaves and tropical appearance. They can be grown indoors or outdoors in warmer climates and are relatively easy to care for. However, like any plant, they will eventually need to be repotted to allow for proper growth and to prevent them from becoming root-bound. Repotting your fiddle leaf fig plant is a simple process, but it does require some preparation and attention to detail.

In this article, we will cover the tools and materials needed for repotting fiddle leaf fig plants, as well as provide a step-by-step guide on how to repot your plant successfully. We will also offer some tips and tricks to help ensure your fiddle leaf fig plant thrives in its new pot.

Tools and Materials Needed for Repotting Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

Before you begin the repotting process, it is important to gather all the necessary tools and materials. Here is a list of what you will need:

  • A new pot that is slightly larger than the current pot, with drainage holes at the bottom
  • Potting soil specifically formulated for fiddle leaf fig plants or a general purpose potting soil mixed with perlite or sand to improve drainage
  • A pair of scissors or pruning shears
  • A spoon or trowel for scooping soil
  • A watering can or hose with a watering attachment
  • Optional: gloves, a tarp or newspaper to protect your work surface, and a tray or saucer to catch excess water

It is important to choose a pot that is the appropriate size for your fiddle leaf fig plant. The pot should be slightly larger than the current pot to allow for proper root growth, but not so large that it becomes difficult to manage. It is also important to choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent excess water from accumulating and potentially causing root rot.

When selecting potting soil, it is important to choose a soil specifically formulated for fiddle leaf fig plants or a general purpose potting soil mixed with perlite or sand to improve drainage. Fiddle leaf fig plants prefer well-draining soil and do not tolerate standing water.

Once you have gathered all the necessary tools and materials, you are ready to begin the repotting process. Follow the step-by-step guide in the next section for a successful repotting of your fiddle leaf fig plant.

Step-by-Step Guide to Repotting Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

  1. Gather all necessary tools and materials.
  2. Choose a new pot that is slightly larger than the current pot, with drainage holes at the bottom. Fill the bottom of the pot with a layer of potting soil.
  3. Carefully remove the fiddle leaf fig plant from its current pot. Gently shake off any excess soil and inspect the roots. If the roots are densely packed and circling the root ball, it is time to repot the plant.
  4. Trim any damaged or overly long roots with scissors or pruning shears.
  5. Place the fiddle leaf fig plant in the new pot, making sure that it is centered and the base of the plant is level with the rim of the pot.
  6. Fill in around the sides of the plant with potting soil, tamping it down gently to remove air pockets.
  7. Water the fiddle leaf fig plant thoroughly, allowing the excess water to drain out of the drainage holes.
  8. Place the fiddle leaf fig plant in a location with bright, indirect light and keep the soil evenly moist. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely or become waterlogged.
  9. Monitor the fiddle leaf fig plant for the first few weeks after repotting to ensure it is adjusting well to its new pot and soil. Adjust watering as needed.

Tips and Tricks for Successfully Repotting Fiddle Leaf Fig Plants

  1. Choose the right pot size: It is important to choose a pot that is slightly larger than the current pot to allow for proper root growth, but not so large that it becomes difficult to manage.
  2. Use well-draining soil: Fiddle leaf fig plants prefer well-draining soil and do not tolerate standing water. Choose a potting soil specifically formulated for fiddle leaf fig plants or a general purpose potting soil mixed with perlite or sand to improve drainage.
  3. Trim damaged or overly long roots: Trimming damaged or overly long roots will help encourage new growth and promote a healthy root system.
  4. Water thoroughly: Water the fiddle leaf fig plant thoroughly after repotting, allowing the excess water to drain out of the drainage holes. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely or become waterlogged.
  5. Monitor the plant for the first few weeks: Keep an eye on your fiddle leaf fig plant for the first few weeks after repotting to ensure it is adjusting well to its new pot and soil. Adjust watering as needed.
  6. Choose the right location: Fiddle leaf fig plants prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid placing the plant in direct sunlight or in a location with low light levels.

By following these tips and tricks, you can ensure that your fiddle leaf fig plant thrives in its new pot. With proper care and attention, your fiddle leaf fig plant will continue to grow and add a touch of tropical beauty to your home.